Use "rival|rivaled|rivaling|rivalled|rivalling|rivals" in a sentence

1. The sunset rivalled the sunrise in beauty.

2. The two students rivaled each other for the scholarship.

3. The prince built a vast palace, rivalling Versailles in size and opulence.

4. Blacktail deer have a presence of that only rivaled by a ghost

5. Against their biggest rivals?

6. Learn about long ago feuds of rivalling clans, Jacobite battles, and the devastation of Crofting …

7. Few events this century have rivaled the sinking of the Titanic for sheer melodrama.

8. Complaining about perceived rivals . Blatantly trying to denigrate rivals, revealing your poverty mentality and desperation.

9. He beat his rival.

10. It's had no serious rivals.

11. Here we encounter rivalling complementary colours and shifting structures in an optical play alternating between surface and depth.

12. The rival is out-maneuvered.

13. House Lannister has no rival.

14. How can such a huge creature plow through the ocean at speeds rivaling a nuclear-powered submarine?

15. This latest design has no rivals .

16. And it rivals climate change in importance.

17. He talked incessantly to teammates, rivals, passersby.

18. He exulted over his rival.

19. We outbid our rivals at the auction.

20. They whaled their rivals 20 to 0.

21. He hand in glove with our rivals.

22. The Japanese are our biggest economic rivals.

23. TAnzanite's rich hues rival sapphire's beauty

24. He outbid his rivals at the auction.

25. Under Attalid rule Pergamon became a cultural and artistic hub of Greece and rivalled the glorious city of Athens.

26. This poses a barrier to entry for rivals.

27. They inflicted a humiliating defeat on their rivals.

28. He is, in effect, my rival.

29. Rival elements from the trafficking world.

30. The Niva was significantly cheaper than its rivals.

31. She dwarfed all her rivals in athletic ability.

32. He cut his prices to drive out rivals.

33. Gangs killing rival gangs I guess?

34. Be smarter, quicker, Brainier than your rival

35. half a second ahead of his rival.

36. He cut his rates to drive out rivals.

37. Rivals for the Republican presidential nomination criticized Trump.

38. The company has consistently outperformed its larger rivals.

39. Dostoyevsky seems to have quickly lost interest in rivalling the Balzacian novel, if indeed he was ever tempted by it.

40. Aeschines definition, Athenian orator: rival of Demosthenes

41. She always managed to outsmart her political rivals.

42. Time and again we have scooped our rivals.

43. Both are in better shape than their erstwhile rivals.

44. The organization has a technical superiority over its rivals.

45. They beat out several other rivals for the contract.

46. Rival salesmen were poaching on his territory.

47. They often clash violently with rival gangs.

48. But overnight a jealous rival defaces it.

49. The meritocratic corpocracy absorbs rival power bases.

50. The mobster threatened a rival crime boss.

51. Competitors are rivals or contenders for the same thing

52. 1 She dwarfed all her rivals in athletic ability.

53. Dr. Buttocks is the Netherworld's greatest evil scientist with an ego rivaling that of Betrayus, and is Butt-ler's twin brother

54. Rival drug gang taking out the mastermind?

55. Abishai’s reputation rivaled that of the three principal mighty ones because he performed a mighty act similar to that of Jashobeam.

56. However, because of federal and private investments in tourism, its growth is now rivaling that of the more famous resort area.

57. He then moved to local rivals, Chanmari in 2014.

58. The company poached the contract from their main rivals.

59. A shrewd man turns rival to valued ally.

60. No one could rival him in this respect.

61. No king allows a rival to his throne.

62. From intrastate rival Iowa State was Scott Coleman.

63. Our two techniques for many years have been rivals.

64. She and I are rivals for the swimming prize.

65. She does not criticise rivals who make toys there.

66. The man swings cock to rival Jupiter himself.

67. Lucia hired an assassin to eliminate her rival.

68. The boxer whaled his rival 3 to 0.

69. He approached his rival with fear and loathing.

70. Like Trump, he Belittled and mistrusted his political rivals

71. They decided to make a composition with their rivals.

72. We were able to undercut our European rivals by 5%.

73. 15 He has a decisive majority over his main rivals.

74. He now has an almost unbeatable lead over his rivals.

75. She competed with her rival for a prize.

76. A rival firm poached our best computer programmers.

77. She meets her old rival, Miss Le Moignan.

78. Its chief rival was the tribe of Ephraim.

79. Everyone except their fierce Korean rival , LG Electronics .

80. Hannah knew how her rival wife would act.